This page is dedicated to the memory of the Brothers & Sisters of the Professional Fire Fighters of Massachusetts who have selflessly given their lives for their fellow man.
"...So that they may never be forgotten..."
History of the "Last Alarm" |
The fire service of today is ever changing, but is steeped in traditions 200 years old. One such tradition is the sound of a bell. It is customary that the “Last Alarm” be sounded for our brother or sister who paid the supreme sacrifice. For having selflessly given their lives for the good of their fellow man, their tasks completed, their duties well done, to signify, they are “returning to quarters”. (Click the title to read the complete story.)
Fireman's Prayer |
This is the original “Fireman’s Prayer”. Although the author is unknown, and that the words have often been changed to the term “Firefighter”, we have posted the poem in it’s original form.
Firefighter's Prayer |
This is the “Firefighter’s Prayer”. Adapted from the original “Fireman’s Prayer”, who’s author is unknown.
IAFF LODD Notification, Assistance & Investigation Policy |
The International Association of Fire Fighters (IAFF) Line of Duty Death (LODD), Notification, Assistance & Investigation Policy -- this information is furnished by the IAFF to assist Locals in correct protocol for reporting a Line of Duty Death.
PSOB/PSOEA Fact Sheet |
PSOB/PSOEA Fact Sheets - IAFF Department of Occupational Health and Safety Summary of the Federal (U.S.) Benefits for Public Safety Officers PSOB and PSOEA Programs (Information furnished by the IAFF)
United State Flag Etiquette |
United States Code Title 4 Chapter 1 — The Flag -- Proper Etiquette for handling, presentation, and care of the "National Standard" of the United States of America as written in the United State Code Title 4 Chapter 1.
Page Last Updated: Sep 03, 2024 (11:18:00)